Dustyn Steckman
Sales Consultant @ RED Solar
Hey it's Dustyn. I have been working with RED Solar for a while and I really love their core values and what they stand for. We are out to please and make sure our customers have every question answered. I am a firm believer in being completely transparent with my customers and explaining what they are getting in to. At the end of the day if the customer is unhappy then I did not do my job correctly. I will do everything in my power to leave my clients feeling extremely comfortable with their decision to go solar. Last but not least I am a strong believer in God and my ultimate goal is decipleship.
What others say about me
18 personal review
Evan S
2 years ago
Working with Dustyn was a seamless process. His expertise when it comes to solar is second to none, and the respect and transparency he showed my wife and I is unmatched. If you are looking to go solar, look no farther… Dustyn is a mo brainer. Just a great person all around.
Jennifer Kohler
2 years ago
Working with Dustin is a pleasure. He has a genuine interest in making sure that the customer benefits. He would rather work smart than hard meaning that he wants to do an outstanding job for his customers in order to get referrals. There has never been a time that I have called him that he has not answered or responded in a timely manner. Out of all the people knocking on my front door for solar I am so glad that I actually took the time to sit down with him. I recommend him highly and sending him to my friends and family.
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